Thursday, June 23, 2005

Geographical health?

Some people may argue that how well we know world geography has implications for societal health. If you embrace this sentiment, or if you just like playing games, check out the following link:

This is a very fun game. Goto the geography section/intermediate level for each world region. This is where you have to drag and drop each country into the appropriate location without the help of boundary lines. I played this version.

Here are my scores: Europe: 71% correct; Africa: 79%; Asia: 72%; Middle East: 92%; United States: 96% (I missed RI and MS by hairs); South and Central America: 85%; Canada: 92%; Mexico: 84%.

Note: The Caribbean, Oceania, and the World Continents games aren't as fun. You can't do the drop and drag thing with them.

Thanks to JoJo for introducing me to this game.

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