Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Sad news

I found out yesterday that Allison Crews, the 22 year-old creator of Girl-Mom.com, died a few days ago at her home in Austin, TX. The cause of her death has not been released yet. Girl-Mom is a wonderful on-line site for and by younger mothers. The site provides them support from other teen and young adult mothers, information about medical care, financial issues, social services, social gatherings, parenting strategies, and political issues, and a creative outlet for telling their stories.

Here's the obituary that Girl-Mom and its sister website, HipMama, put on their websites.

It is with profound sadness and a wrenching sense of loss that the staff of Hip Mama have learned that our valued colleague Allison Crews has died. Allison was the producer of Girl-Mom for nearly five years. During that time she worked endlessly hard to build a strong, dynamic community. Through her work on the site, her accomplishment in creating the National Day to Support Teen Parents, her writing, and her life, Alli created social change. Alli was brilliant, forceful, and talented. She changed lives; she helped people. We will miss her.

The Girl-Mom moderators are collecting money to be used to help Alli's young family in this profoundly sad time. If you would like to contribute, please send a donation via paypal to: girlmom@gmail.com

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