Thursday, June 30, 2005

Same sex marriage in Spain

Go Spain, for being the most recent country to legalize same sex marriage. Two other European countries--The Netherlands and Belgium--have already legalized it, and it appears that Canada will join this list later this summer. (Click here to read more about same sex marriage laws in these countries)

As you can probably tell, I fully support same sex marriage. I hold this position because I not only believe that all people, regardless of sexual orientation, should have the right to marry and obtain the legal benefits that such unions provide, but also because discrimination based on sexual orientation can be psychologically, emotionally and physically damaging to gays and bisexuals. The American Psychological Association also holds this position, and has written a press release explaining its stance. Here's a snippet of it:
This seven-member team of psychologists with a combination of both scientific expertise in family and couple relations and professional expertise with lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations summarized the research that discrimination and prejudice based on sexual orientation detrimentally affects the psychological, physical, social and economic well-being of lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals, that same-sex couples are remarkably similar to heterosexual couples, and that parenting effectiveness and the adjustment, development and psychological well-being of children is unrelated to parental sexual orientation.

To see the full text of APA's statement, click here.

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